Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Date the Man You Married

{encouragement} Take the time to date your husband, and by dating it means to have "
social or romantic appointment or engagement" (taken from the dictionary).

"Your desire shall be for your husband" Genesis 3:16 


A few weeks ago we had a speaker talk about "How to Date the Man you Married" in Navigating Motherhood (a program for moms that offers practical encouragement to life). Thanks Shannon! This was extremely encouraging because we can sometimes lose sight of our spouse when the busy-ness of raising kids, tending housework and holding down the fort squeezes out all our energy, support and love. Often times we end up taking our husband for granted and seeing him as a roommate or even a house mate. I definitely don't want my hubby feeling that way so I try to catch myself before it starts.

I understand that we are all busy and when we have little ones, it makes it difficult to have 1:1 time with Hubby, or any time yourself for that matter! I have to confess that Hubby and I didn't have many "going out dates" when the babes were infant stage, so that would mean going on months without heading out as just adults! However looking back I would say that even having some 1:1 time at home was good enough for us at that season of life. Sometimes our "date" would mean just sitting on the couch and asking each other how the day went, or what was going on with our lives.  Just as long as there were no distractions of little voices.  Some dates would be making dumplings, baking cookies, or watching a movie at home. When it comes down to it- just have some 1:1 time with your Man, the guy you fell in love with because he was the one who swept you off your feet once ago.  


I wanted to share with you my notes I took from the topic:

1.) Prefer (meaning Promote/Advance) Your Husband

  • A.) Treat Him Like you Used to :  Prefer him over your kids. Prioritize him over friends. Make the meals that your Man wants to eat and not necessarily just what the kids want.
  • B.) Treat Him Like How you Wanted to Be Treated
  • C.) Don't Wait for Him to Prefer you First: take initiation.  See the "Father & Mother" relationship as a healthy sighting for your children.
2.) Date Your Husband
  • A.) Make it a Priority-make it intentional, pick a day and get face to face time
  • B.) Re-Get to Know Him and Be engaged: set aside the phone and don't pick it up.  Sit side by side with him and be close. Take up a hobby together.
  • C.) Woo Him
  • D.) Make Some Plans for a date: Get a babysitter or swap children with another couple and have 1:1 time with your husband. Bring lunch/dinner to the beach, hold hands, Get coffee, take rides on a bike, go to the ocean and enjoy the scenery, take a hike

3.) Respect Your Husband
  • A.) Respect His Desire to Work and Provide
  • B.) Respect His Opinions on Finances
  • C.) Respect His Thoughts, Even if They do not Agree with Yours

Have some fun together! Doesn't have to cost anything or be extravagant!


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